The essence of a feeling.

An atmosphere is the feeling you get from a place.
An instant connection, a feeling of belonging, an instinctive harmony.
And when you add in fragrance, the feeling becomes even more intimate, and the guest
can really identify with that atmosphere.
They find just what they are looking for in the fragrance.
The art of creating a fragrance is all about building that connection.
It’s not about market trends.
It’s not dictated by the trend of the moment.
A fragrance is born from a story.
It encapsulates a moment, it rediscovers an adventure, it evokes a memory, it recalls an
Fragrance is a space to be explored.
An element of interior design that can’t be seen but can be sensed.
As quick to capture the guest’s attention as it is slow to linger.
And that’s how it becomes memorable.


 The East with a hint of the West.

There are other versions of this fragrance. 
But we wanted to create our own personal interpretation.
The result is an Oriental ambience crossed with olfactory notes from all over the world.
Oud by Fragrart is a transversal fragrance: it appeals to both men and women. 
It leaves in its trail traces of the East, whilst its path opens up towards the West.

A globetrotter.
It draws on non-Oriental atmospheres inspired by the Orient.

The first impression is spicy yet floral, then a note of vanilla takes its place.
And after a few moments, a vast and complex bouquet opens up.

Notes of resin and leather intertwine with hints of smoke and wood. It has no edge, no pungency.
It reaches your senses gracefully, sweet, delicate and full.
It has excellent persistence: it lasts for hours on the skin.

It is extracted from the resin of a tree found in Northeastern India and Southeast Asia. 
The Aquilaria stands at over 40 meters tall and up to 60 centimeters wide.
The older the tree, the more valuable the resin it produces to defend itself from parasites. 
In ancient times it was used to create incense and perfumes for religious ceremonies. 
The essential oil is extracted by steam distilling the resin.
They call it the black gold of perfumery. 
One of our Fragrart best sellers.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Dry, warm and earthy.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: lemon, bergamot, storax.
Heart notes: leather, date, cedar wood, honey. 
Base notes: tonka bean, patchouli, musk, labdanum.

French Kiss.

The freedom of an incredible atmosphere.

One, two, three.
In just a few moments you find yourself transported to the Scottish moors in November.
Only the evocative power of a fragrance lets you travel so far in such a short time.
With one breath you’re inside a fairytale castle, in front of a crackling open fire.
Aside the couch three Dalmatians are snoozing after a horseback ride in the wilderness.
From the viewpoint of a small window the vastness of Scotland opens up to the eye.
Green pastures, blue lakes: you get lost in that feeling of freedom.
Then you open your eyes and find yourself in front of Royale Freedom.
An assuming fragrance.
Which first carries you to balsamic notes, like pine and mint.
And then travels on to the citrus scents of orange peel and the roasted notes of a pipe.
It does so with roundness to the nose, without an edge.
It does so with a lingering olfactory journey for an autumnal feeling.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Fresh, clean and invigorating.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: orange, tangerine, bergamot.
Heart notes: violet, vanilla, lavender, apricot.
Base notes: tonka bean, musk, sandalwood.

Agrumi del Mediterraneo.

Segments of a citrus symphony.

There's a string quartet: a viola, two violins and a cello.
And then there’s the quartet of citrus: orange, grapefruit, tangerine and Sicilian lemon. 
The meaning changes, but the sensation remains.
The instrument changes, but the words are unaltered.
You sense the olfactory notes of a citrus symphony. 
The first impression is intense, but never pungent.
The mandarin solo stands out among the four segments.
Then the fragrance accompanies you backstage. 
Where you discover the fullness of floral scents.
Geranium, violet, rose, cyclamen: a melody within a melody.
The end is the encore you were expecting: a clean sensation that few other fragrances can convey.
There’s even time for just a hint of spice. 
Before the curtain comes down on Agrumi del Mediterraneo. 
Standing ovation.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Fresh, clean, energizing.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: orange, petigrain, grapefruit, tangerine.
Heart notes: Sicilian lemon, geranium, violet, rose, cyclamen. 
Base notes: musk.

Planta Segreta.

A Sardinian blend of spicy notes.

There’s a resort in San Pantaleo.
It has five stars and a garden filled with Sardinian vegetation: native plants nestling amongst the granite rocks. When you enter, the first thing you sense is the note of cistus, lentisk, juniper and myrtle.
Planta Segreta evokes the atmosphere you breathe in there.
Spicy, woody, Mediterranean: with a hint of date to sweeten things up.
It throws in a good measure of herbaceous scents - conifers and eucalyptus - to add to the fullness.
Because the final fragrance is the result of fine tweeking to achieve the perfect olfactory balance.
And so in Planta Segreta, thyme, rosemary and sage make themselves heard. 
Just like stepping into a luxury vegetable garden.
The final bouquet is a botanical symphony, a harmony of balsamic notes.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Balsamic and woody.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: armoise, eucalyptus.
Heart notes: rosemary, sage, ligurian lavender.
Base notes: sandalwood, cedarwood, date.

Villa Monica.

The total fragrance for a total view of the Costa Smeralda.

From the hill of Pantogia your gaze soars over the beaches of the Gulf of Pevero.
Down in the bay the yachts dock alongside characters from the international jet set. 
Up above, a multitude of villas compete for the best view.
But up there, from wherever you look, the view is always the same: breathtaking.
There’s the total look of the guests at the villas, the total view of the sea that caresses the beach in waves and there’s the total fragrance of Villa Monica.
One of the most beautiful villas on the Costa Smeralda.
Its garden is full of trees and flowers, especially geraniums.

We were lucky enough to step inside and enjoy the aroma. 
We smelled, felt, and learnt it all off by heart.
From that olfactory experience the Villa Monica fragrance was born.
Its notes are the fragrant expression of the vegetation around the villa. 
Your breath takes in the aromatic and spicy herbs.
The opening is full of notes that come together to compose the bouquet. 
Then it softens to find its equilibrium in a refined finish.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Sweet and soft.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: orange, grapefruit.
Heart notes: camellia, iris.
Base notes: tree moss, geraniums.

Gin Zen.

Something good in the air.

Sparkling, effervescent, bubbly.
Even a fragrance can come to life with unexpected energy. 
Even a fragrance can have the vigor of running water. 
Gin for juniper, Zen for ginger.
Gin Zen for "Something good in the air" freshness.
Composed of a central bouquet of citrus notes surrounded by floral and spicy notes.
At first the citrus of orange and lemon shoots at you, then the cinnamon and mallow notes neutralize it.
It's like peeling an orange, but not in a citrus grove: in a botanical garden. 
Summery, meditative, holistic, for the spa: Gin Zen has something good in it. 
Stillness and tranquility punctuated by vigor and energy.
It's like letting your breath pass through the crack in your comfort zone. 
Like a breath of fresh air in a room full of tired air.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Freshness, tone and cleanliness.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: ginger.
Heart notes: juniper, mallow. 
Base notes: orange, lemon.


Blossoming in the name of sweetness.

The rule says a sweet fragrance must always be sweeter than sweet.
The exception confirms: when things get really sweet a couple is sweeter than any sweet.
Their loving gaze takes flight with olfactory notes like sugar cubes melting in the air.
Rose, violet, jasmine, calla lily, orchid, cyclamen and the bouquet is served.
They come together to create a fragrance that is cross-gender and fills the couple’s mood.
He and she exchange olfactory sensations like loving feelings, notes like glances.
Guiding them is the sweetness of Flowair, with its non-invasive intensity, the delicacy with
which it makes itself felt.
It blends into your life in the dose you rub it in.
It diffuses to stimulate your senses and bring your body back to life.

Olfactive family.

Olfactive DNA.
Sweet and sensual.

Olfactive Pyramid.
Top notes: orange, honeysuckle, tea leaves. 
Heart notes: gardenia, cyclamen, rose, orchid. 
Base notes: musk, vanilla.

Tea Black Royale.

Un esperienza Sensoriale.
Nel cuore della maestosa campagna toscana, tra le colline verdi e gli uliveti secolari, c'è un luogo dove il profumo di Tea Black Royale prende vita in un'esperienza unica.
L'aroma del nero si diffonde tra le foglie dei secolari alberi di cipresso, mentre il sole della mattina bacia dolcemente la terra.
In questo scenario idilliaco, il limone si schiude come un sorriso sulla piazza di un piccolo borgo toscano.
Il gelsomino fiorisce nei giardini segreti di una villa rinascimentale, dove le statue di marmo bianco sembrano danzare al suono del vento.
Nel cuore di un campo di rose rosse, l'aroma avvolgente si diffonde come una dichiarazione d'amore. I petali di rosa, delicati e sensuali, creano un tappeto profumato sotto i piedi, mentre il sole del pomeriggio rende omaggio alla bellezza della Toscana.
E infine, l'angelica si svela in un'antica erboristeria nel centro di Firenze, dove i profumi delle erbe e delle spezie si mescolano in una poesia di odori. L'atmosfera è magica, come se si fosse entrati in un mondo incantato.
In questo coinvolgente scenario toscano, Tea Black Royale diventa l'incarnazione stessa della bellezza e dell'essenza della regione. Ogni nota di questa fragranza è un omaggio alle meraviglie di questa terra.

Famiglia Olfattiva.
Floreale orientale.

Dna olfattivo.
Fresco, rinvigorente.

Piramide olfattiva.
Note di testa: limone, gelsomino.
Note di cuore: tea nero.
Note di fondo: angelica, rosa.


Saint Tropez
All the glamour of an atmosphere

Vino Primo.

Risveglia i tuoi sensi con Vino Primo.

Immergiti in un'esperienza sensoriale unica con la fragranza Vino Primo, questa nota avvolgente cattura l'essenza del vino rosso più prelibato, con le sue note di frutti rossi succulenti, melograno dolcemente succoso e il sottile calore del legno di botte.
Chiudi gli occhi e lasciati trasportare in un vigneto baciato dal sole, dove l'aria è impregnata di promesse d'amore e serate romantiche, nella quale le fragranze di Vino Primo danzano come un vino prelibato invecchiato con cura, lasciando una scia irresistibile ovunque tu vada.
Scopri la tua passione, esprimi la tua sensualità, e incanta chiunque ti circondi con Vino Primo. È un'ode all'amore, alla seduzione e all'arte di vivere a pieno.
Insieme a Vino Primo ti innamorerai di te stesso ancora una volta.

Famiglia olfattiva.


Dna olfattivo.
Intenso, dolce.

Piramide olfattiva
Note di testa: frutti rossi.
Note di cuore: melogtrano.
Note di fondo: legno di botte.


Sold Out

Vino Primo.
Vino Primo: L'arte dell'enologia in ogni goccia.

Yacht Club.

Yacht Club: L'Essenza Del Lusso e Dell'Eleganza.

Immergiti nell'eleganza senza tempo del nostro profumo Yacht Club, una sinfonia di profumi ricercati si unisce per creare un'esperienza sensoriale unica.
Le profonde note di mirra e incenso si intrecciano con l'incantevole patchouly, mentre il labdano e il sandalo aggiungono un tocco di lusso che ti avvolgerà come una brezza marina.
Con Yacht Club, ogni spruzzo ti trasporterà su uno yacht di lusso, navigando tra le onde del Mediterraneo al tramonto, questa fragranza incarna il fascino irresistibile dell'avventura e della raffinatezza, invitandoti ad esplorare il mondo con stile.
Scopri la fragranza che celebra la bellezza intramontabile dell'oceano e la seduzione di una serata estiva.
Yacht Club è perfetto, insieme puoi elevare il tuo stile; la fragranza dell'eleganza senza tempo.

Famiglia olfattiva

Resine orientali.

Dna olfattivo.
Caldo, intenso, profondo.

Piramide olfattiva.
Note di testa: mirra, patchouly.
Note di cuore: incenso.
Note di fondo: labdano, sandalo.


2 in stock

Yacht Club.
Yacht Club: L'Essenza del Lusso e dell'Eleganza.

How your fragrance is born.

1. We visit your property.
We collect the information we need: the type of guests you host, where they come from and their background, the tastes of the people who work there.
We study the spaces the products will be placed in: the furniture and the materials.
We research the location and territory surrounding your structure.

2. We create three fragrance samples within one product category: a soap, for example.
This way you can really get a feel for the finished product designed by Fragrart.
The three essence samples can either be from the same olfactive family we have selected for your structure or from three different families, all perfectly matching the characteristics of the setting.

3. We share the final choice with you.
We always aim to choose the most suitable fragrance rather than the one you like most.
So that it reflects the mood of that place rather than the tastes of those who work there. 
Because fragrance has this advantage: it is ductile and malleable.
You can simply increase or lower the intensity, add or remove an ingredient, round off a note, balance a bouquet to ensure it is in perfect harmony with the hospitality style of your hotel, villa or restaurant.